Gregory Greene

Gregory Greene

  • Bulgarluk
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Thank you the possibility of working with you.

May I introduce myself? My name is Gregory Leonard Greene (G.H.) to most, I am an American citizen residing in Goa, India. I am passionate about teaching as I realize the opportunities English fluency offers to people and I am enthusiastic to contributing to improving English globally for improved world-wide communication.

I have been engaged in teaching and tutoring in English in some capacity the majority of my life going all the way back when I was 14 working as an Aide at the community center for summer job. And am fully aware of the impact long term of English proficiency through my experience hands on with various cultures, different learning styles and take a student-centered approach in combination with modeling as my pedagogical approach in engaging with English learners. Focusing dually on the existing curriculum and empowering a student personally in their confidence and ability to succeed.
Here some of the key points of my background
- taught Special Ed. and Science at the High school level for 3 years.
- worked as a Language Arts teacher with 6-8th grade level for 2 years.
- extensive Social & Cultural Studies according to English Language and Composition.
- obtained my credential to teach by successfully passing the California State Board Proficiency.
- accomplished Examination Plus holding credentials to teach at the K-12 and also mild/moderate disability level.
- volunteered as a Literacy Coach for 4 years at the San Joaquin County Library.
- Received certificates of recognition from the United States Congress and the California State Assembly.
-TESOL/TEFL certification with over 240 training hours and certification.
- Certified Corporate & Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Trainer and Emotional Intelligence coach.
- currently working on assignments in Dubai, Illuminations, #1 Health and Well-being center in Dubai assisting clients f the Middle East, Oman Dubai, Lebanon, Egypt.
- Worked with English tutoring company Bling, ABC China, for 2 years primarily 4th-8th grade level.
- Worked with Preply English tutorial online company since 2020 while also as an independent free-lancing engagements in tutoring, teaching and training working with adults.
I am personally fascinated with learning other cultures and enjoying different types of food and music in my spare time I enjoy engaging in self-development courses, reading, and going to the gym. My foundational values are diversity, continuous growth and wish to empower and share these values with students.
I look forward to offering English and my 25 years of professional expertise in English language instruction, Phonology, Public Speaking, Writing, Grammar and Listening and greater methods of verbal and nonverbal communication. My style of teaching is fun and engaging and assist students with changing possibly limiting beliefs about possibly the subject matter, life, or themselves and developing a sincere passion about furthering their overall greater success.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Bebek veya anaokulu seviyesi, Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri

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Gregory Greene
Gregory Greene
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Gregory Greene
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