Sleiman Saleh

Sleiman Saleh

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Hello future friends and learners.
My name is Sleiman, or simply Sam.
I am from Lebanon. I speak Arabic, English, and French.
I am very interested in history, science, geography, and medicine. I love watching comedy, and videos about babies and animals.
I will be happy to help you learn English and understand the language.

During my university years, I studied to become a Music teacher. Later, the University of Cambridge Press & Assessment awarded me a CELTA certification. I have been teaching since 2018. I have taught children, teenagers, and adults.

The role of teaching is very appealing to me. My strong technical methods and devotion to teaching and education make me a suitable tutor for you. I have a comprehensive understanding of students' needs, good communication skills, superior listening skills, deep knowledge and passion for teaching, excellent organization and preparation skills, and a strong work ethic with a friendly and patient personality.
My key strengths that would support my success in helping you:

- Preparing detailed lesson plans along with lesson shapes.
- Good class management enables students to learn in an excellent
classroom environment.
- Guided discovery encourages students’ participation in class and
provides student-centered lessons.
- The use of CCQs (concept checking questions) and ICQs (instruction
checking questions).
- Eliciting techniques.
- MFP (meaning, form, and pronunciation).
- Drilling techniques involve modeling a word or a sentence and having the
learners repeat it.
- Giving/receiving feedback and constructive criticism.

When it comes to learning a language, each person has a reason. What is your reason?
I will be glad to help you do so.
That is why I encourage you to book a trial lesson with me.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
How does Sleiman Saleh teach
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Eğitim: dereceler, kurslar ve sertifikalar
  • Music Education Teacher

  • Teaching English to Students of Other Languages (CELTA)

  • Müsaitlik
    Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi Pazar

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Sleiman Saleh
Sleiman Saleh
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