Umaima Jaa

Umaima Jaa

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  • Istanbul
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I want to teach English because I believe in the power of language to connect people and open doors to opportunities. English is a global language that can bridge cultural gaps and facilitate communication on a broader scale. By sharing my knowledge, I hope to empower others to express themselves confidently, access a wealth of information, and participate more actively in a world where English is increasingly important. Teaching English is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it's about fostering connections, promoting understanding, and helping individuals reach their full potential in a globalized society.

Tell potential students how you teach your lessons: the methods you use, the content or dynamics of the lessons, your experience, etc.
In my lessons, I adopt a dynamic and personalized approach tailored to each student's needs and learning style. I draw upon a variety of teaching methods, incorporating interactive activities, real-life scenarios, and multimedia resources to make the learning experience engaging and effective.

My lessons typically involve a mix of conversational practice, grammar and vocabulary exercises, as well as activities that relate to real-world situations. I believe in creating a supportive and positive learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and actively participating in the learning process.

With a wealth of experience as an English teacher, I've worked with diverse groups of learners, including children and adults. My goal is not only to impart language skills but also to build confidence in using English in various contexts. I provide constructive feedback, identify areas for improvement, and tailor lessons to address individual challenges.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine specific language skills, my lessons are designed to be enjoyable and effective. I'm committed to helping you achieve your language goals and develop a strong foundation in English for both personal and professional growth.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Bebek veya anaokulu seviyesi, Primary, Ortaokul
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri

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