Tolga Cengiz

Tolga Cengiz

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  • Istanbul
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Profili paylaş

With many years of experience in English Language Teaching at Istanbul University and with US-EU experience and various face-to-face and online 5-year English teaching experience, we have had one-on-one studies with my students for many years, both daily and academically, and we continue our lessons with a high success rate. All of the students I prepared for the TOEFL-IELTS-YDS-YDT-LGS exams got the grades they wanted and we are currently continuing our classes with many of them.
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Tolga Cengiz
Tolga Cengiz
25 Yaş· deneyim ile Öğretmen
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  • It's been a while since they were last online
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Tolga Cengiz
Tolga Cengiz Istanbul (İstanbul)
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