Thomas Tesner

Thomas Tesner

  • Kadiköy (Istanbul)
  • Doğrulanmış profil detayları

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Greetings prospective learners! My teaching philosophy is founded on fostering a stimulating and inclusive learning environment where students thrive. Here's how I orchestrate my lessons to ensure an enriching educational experience:

Dynamic Teaching Methods: I believe in the power of variety. From traditional lectures to multimedia presentations, interactive discussions, group activities, and hands-on projects, I tailor my approach to accommodate different learning styles. By incorporating diverse methods, I keep lessons engaging and cater to the individual needs of my students.

Comprehensive Content: Each lesson is meticulously crafted to cover essential topics while allowing room for exploration and discussion. Whether it's grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or cultural nuances, I strive to provide a holistic understanding of the English language. Real-world examples and relevant materials are integrated to make learning both practical and enjoyable.

Interactive Dynamics: Learning is a collaborative journey. I encourage active participation and foster an atmosphere where questions are welcomed, curiosity is nurtured, and mistakes are celebrated as opportunities for growth. Through interactive exercises, role-plays, and games, students not only absorb knowledge but also develop confidence in using English in various contexts.

Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in teaching English to diverse groups of learners, I bring a wealth of expertise to the classroom. My background includes formal education in language teaching methodologies, as well as practical experience in both traditional and online learning environments. I am dedicated to continuously refining my teaching strategies to ensure that each student receives the highest quality instruction.

In summary, my teaching methodology is characterized by its dynamism, comprehensiveness, interactivity, and expertise. I am committed to empowering students to achieve their language learning goals and embark on a journey of discovery and growth. Join me, and let's embark on this exciting adventure together!
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri
  • Müsaitlik
    Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi Pazar
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Thomas Tesner
Thomas Tesner
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Thomas Tesner
Thomas Tesner Kadiköy (Istanbul) (İstanbul)
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