Shazir Hassan

Shazir Hassan

  • Alanya
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My name is Shazir and I am TESOL certified teacher with English Masters degree along with B.Ed degree. I currently reside in Turkey and my birth country is Pakistan. My tecahing style is about learning from the student and sharing knowledge in academic and fun ways.
As a teacher I am open to new techniques and enviornments expanding my vision and skills. We live in globalized world where cultural values are shared, lived and experienced in different capacities.
After my Masters degree I taught one and half year in University of Education (Pakistan). I have experience of tecahing academic reading and writing . Other courses include Language Identity and Culture as keywords. As an Researcher I have nine publication on google with different subjects areas like Arts, Music and theoratical studies in English Literature and Language. Excited to have you here reading about me and hoping soon to get in touch with you ??
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri
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Shazir Hassan
Shazir Hassan
27 Yaş
On Öğretmen Bul since Ağustos 2024
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  • En son birkaç gün önce çevrimiçiydi
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Shazir Hassan
Shazir Hassan Alanya (Antalya)
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