Shaheer Zarar

Shaheer Zarar

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  • Istanbul
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I've been teaching English Language from the past 3 years back in Lahore, Pakistan as well as over here in Istanbul, Turkey. I was teaching students online via Zoom back in Pakistan. In Istanbul I've worked at English Castle and Cambridge Academy with international students from European, Middle Eastern ,and Asian countries. Sessions were conducted both in person and online for students from elementary, intermediary, and upper intermediary classes. The course being taught was official Cambridge curriculum. I believe in learning and not memorizing what is being taught in the class. I highly encourage my students towards class participation with the help of interactive sessions.
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Shaheer Zarar
Shaheer Zarar
20 Yaş
On Öğretmen Bul since Temmuz 2024
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  • Last online a few weeks ago
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Shaheer Zarar
Shaheer Zarar Istanbul (İstanbul)
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