Sara Haratian

Sara Haratian

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I started learning English at the age of 6 by myself. I taught myself English. Whenever my elder sisters were studying for their school English lesson, I tried to be around them to make out the relation between the letters and their sounds, and to learn how to read the language. So, I could only read the language without understanding what I was reading.
At the age of 11, after I finished primary school, I started my academic path of learning the English. For 5 years, I learn the language through grammar translation method. I took speaking courses for one other year to improve my speaking abilities. One year later, I took my first teaching training course at the age of 18 at Cavendish College of England, Tehran branch.
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Sara Haratian
Sara Haratian
35 Yaş· deneyim ile ÖĞRETMEN
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Sara Haratian
Sara Haratian Antalya sehri (Antalya)
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