Omid Rikhtegar

Omid Rikhtegar

  • Istanbul
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Hi. My name is Omid Rikhtegar. I was born in 1987 in Urmia which is one of the Turk cities of Iran. I have a great passion toward learning and teaching. I got my BA in English Language and literature and my MA in English language teaching. Simultaneous with my studies in BA, I started my teaching career and it have been 17 years that I am teaching English. Since the beginning of Pandemics, I started teaching online, and I have been teaching it for different age groups with different educational backgrounds. IELTS TTC courses of IDP of Australia was another outstanding achievement that I received in 2022. Back to 2019, I also took part in TEFL courses of ITTT and was able to make it. Moreover, I was able to participate in Teacher training Courses of British Council and was a successful person in getting the certificates.
Teaching is my passion and I am quite eager to impart my knowledge to Turkish students in order for them to excell and prosper in different language backgrounds.
Therefore, do not hesitate to book your sessions with me and enjoy this process with me.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri

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Omid Rikhtegar
Omid Rikhtegar
36 Yaş
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Omid Rikhtegar
Omid Rikhtegar Istanbul (İstanbul)
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