Murat Ulun

Murat Ulun

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My cover Letter

to whom it may concern;

To introduce with regarding my education background and personal skills, I would like you to evaluate my attached CV for a career opportunity. Especially, I believe that I can add maximum value in special ‘‘Academic English Teachership and International Exams Coaching’’ (''KET, PET, FCE, CAE, BEC PRELIMINARY, BEC VONTAGE, BEC HIGHER, CPE, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, SAT, GMAT, GRE, PTE, BULATS, PROFICIENCY, DUALINGO ENGLIST TEST and YDS''), PUBLIC SPEECH, MUN & ERASMUS+ Coaching as an Advisor, Eng. Translation and Interpretation and Eng. Cinema TV opportunities in your FORMAL EDUCATION. Besides that I have provided above I am able to give my all English lessons in accordance with DISTANCE & ONLINE E-LEARNING EDUCATION PROGRAMS such as Skype, Zoom, Go to Meeting, Adobe Connect, Google Meet, Hangouts Meet, Free Conference Call, Microsoft Teams, CyberLing U, Uber Conference etc. I have graduated from Beykent University 4 Year Translation & Interpretation Department ( Major ) and Beykent University 4 Year Eng. Cinema & Television Department ( Minor ) in 2013. During my education, I have improved my know-how in Expert. Academic & International English Exams Coaching in field of ‘‘Academic, General and Practical English’’, Eng. Translation and Interpretation, Foreign Language Education Consultancy, Business Development, Tourism, Cinema, Sales, Marketing, Marketing Research and Following the Agenda. The internships and projects have improved my teamwork and project management skills. Moreover, I can speak fluent English. Especially, my skills at problem solving, crisis management and long-term thinking, overtime works habit and empathy in my social relations back up me in my career life. In short term, I aim to add value to your school based on my education background, work history and personal aptitude. In long term, I aim to show off via my strong initiative and exceptional organizational skills in the best way while your school are represented in both national and international English Organizations and Activities such as Debate, MUN, Erasmus+, Cambridge Exams, Voluntary Social Work Activities International Pen Friend Applications and so on… combined with my ability to work professionally under pressure, allow me to play a crucial role in a fast-paced teaching environment. Furthermore, along with the ability to simplify lesson plans in line with specific curriculum objectives, By oral interview, I believe I will have immediately made a noticeable impact on your school’s education standards. Taking everything into account; I would like you to evaluate my CV for an appropriate career opportunity particularly in high school department. Given the fact that, you require further information, I would be pleased to meet you. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your kind interest.

Sincerely yours;

Murat ULUN

Academic - IB - International English Exams Expert Coach
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri
Eğitim: dereceler, kurslar ve sertifikalar
  • Bachelor's degree


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