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  • Çankaya (Ankara)
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Ücretsiz iletişime geç

Profili paylaş

I am an Industrial Engineer, I have been teaching English online for 5 years. I shape my lessons according to the needs of students of all ages, from elementary to middle level.
I plan the content of the lessons together by doing a free lesson.
i live in the UK, I'm looking forward to all of you to join my online classes!
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Bebek veya anaokulu seviyesi, Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
I speak these languages:

İletişime geç - ücretsiz!

ya da

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On Öğretmen Bul since Ağustos 2024
from 20/saat
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