Mandisa Mbangeni

Mandisa Mbangeni

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  • Istanbul
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I am a native English tutor. I have 3 years of experience teaching students of all ages online and face-to-face. I have a 120 hour Tefl certificate and I am currently a third year psychology student. As an English tutor, my mission is to ignite a passion for language learning and empower students to achieve their full potential. I firmly believe that language is more than just a tool for communication; it's a gateway to new cultures, ideas, and opportunities. With a personalized and adaptive approach, I strive to create a learning environment where students feel supported and motivated to excel. I recognize that every learner is unique, with their own strengths and areas for growth, and I tailor my teaching methods to meet individual needs.

My goal is not only to help students master grammar, expand their vocabulary, and have confidence in their writing skills but also to instill in them a lifelong love for the English language. Through interactive lessons, meaningful discussions, and real-world applications, I aim to make learning English both engaging and relevant to students' lives. I believe in fostering a growth mindset, encouraging students to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and celebrate their progress along the way.

By building strong rapport and trust with my students, I create a safe space where they feel comfortable taking risks and expressing themselves freely. My ultimate satisfaction comes from witnessing their confidence soar as they become more proficient and articulate in English. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and transformation, laying the foundation for academic success and personal growth. As an English tutor, I am committed to making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of my students, by providing them with the skills and confidence they need to thrive.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri

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Mandisa Mbangeni
Mandisa Mbangeni
24 Yaş
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Mandisa Mbangeni
Mandisa Mbangeni Istanbul (İstanbul)
from 230/saatİlk ders ücretsiz!
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