Duygu Yeral

Duygu Yeral

  • Konak (Izmir)
  • Doğrulanmış profil detayları

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Since 2008, I have been teaching Turkish to foreigners.
I started my career at Dilmer in Taksim, Istanbul, one of the largest language schools in its field. Then I decided to develop my teaching technique and continue alone. In 2015, I left Dilmer and started giving private lessons to individuals. In this process, I have worked and continue to work with many people of all ages and professions.

I prepare all the written and visual materials I use in the lessons myself.

In the first lesson (introductory lesson), I determine with my students what they want to use Turkish for, the main problems they have while learning the language and what kind of a path we should follow to solve them. My interest in psychology, personal development and humanity; my empathetic character, my multicultural lifestyle and the family I come from naturally help me in this determination phase. and the learning process starts through mutual sharing. After the first lesson, it becomes clear how the student will learn and what materials (questions, books, videos, conversations, music, etc.) they need and the process starts through mutual sharing.

With all the students I have taught Turkish to so far, I have definitely had a friendship relationship in addition to the teacher-student relationship. I think the most distinctive feature of my personalized teaching technique is that it allows spontaneous and natural sharing. Because when people want to share, they start to express themselves, and when they express themselves, they start to learn the language
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri

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Duygu Yeral
Duygu Yeral
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Duygu Yeral Konak (Izmir) (İzmir)
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