I am a primary school teacher with a decade-long teaching experience. I worked in several primary schools in different cities and regions of Turkey. I taught children from 6-11 years old with different cultural backgrounds including Kurds, Zazas, Turks and Arabs. In 2017, I moved to Belgium after a reunification with my Turkish-Belgian husband and I have been caring for our daughter ever since. These conditions forced me to take a break in my teaching career. However, I continued to work on temporary positions in Belgium to support our home economics though not as a teacher. After our collective decision to return to Türkiye in 2024, I am eager to continue my passion that is teaching children in my own language.
Throughout my career, I have believed in individual education knowing that each child has their own learning path and capacity. I also strongly believe in contributing to the society in any means possible under my personal phrase “uplifting humanity by uplifting humans at all age”. During my bachelor, I volunteered for a training in health literacy by Community Volunteer Foundation (TOG) (sponsored by Pfizer) to train fellow students in other universities. In another project, I volunteered as an educator to help children with low income in Mersin. I gave free classes and oversaw social activities (folklore, sport, chess, etc.). In 2006, I supervised social activities for hearing-impaired and speech-handicapped students in Diyarbakir every weekend for a full semester. During my teaching career in Van, I gave free literacy lectures to illiterate parents every weekend for a year. I was also trained for basic first aid for teachers during that time.
After a 5-year career-break while adjusting to a new lifestyle in a foreign country, I would like to once again contribute to the society and our house economy. More importantly, I would like to fulfill my responsibility to my daughter as her role model. I need to show her that women can achieve more than being a mother and a housewife. I believe working at your establishment will help me improve my professional and personal skills. I sincerely appreciate your consideration of my resume and, if any, feedback for that matter.
With kind regards, Dilsen Önal
Eğitim: dereceler, kurslar ve sertifikalar