Aysegül Çevik

Aysegül Çevik

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Hi there,I am Aysegül Çevik from Turkey.I am a graduate of English language and literature, I have a formation, I had experience abroad with the erasmus programme, I continued my education in Poland for a year, and also thanks to erasmus, I had the opportunity to visit many European countries and get to know new people and new cultures. I studied in Antep for a year with the Farabi programme the other year. I worked in hotels in the summers. After I graduated I immediately started to work as an English language teacher.First year i worked with middle and high school students.Then i worked in state high school.After that i worked in american language schools for all levels.I have many various students like middle school,college students and adults.They are all different and always tried various teaching methods for them.If my methods fail I immediately change it and never use it.Every students are unique and it must be taken into account .Then i worked with middle school students we prepared them to high school.We had many tests,private lessons,private attention we were like guidance for them for better high school.And finally I can say that I like teaching a lot and the most important one is I know the way that passes from the learners heart.I think this is the best quality for the teachers.We all need to know it and able to touch their heart..And I have been working as an English Language teacher for 6 years.This is all i can say
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Aysegül Çevik
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