Amir Yousefi Valendar

Amir Yousefi Valendar

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I hold a master degree in English Language Literature and Teaching. This degree program was focused on the study of English language and literature, literary analysis and criticism, and teaching methodologies for English as a second language or literature instruction.
My academic information suggests that I have developed a strong understanding of the English language and its use in literature, as well as the skills necessary to effectively teach these subjects to others.
I was working as a lecturer in some private universities and have gathered really robust experience in how to deal with the lessons and students and deliver a high caliber teaching and learning experience in class.
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Amir Yousefi Valendar
Amir Yousefi Valendar
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  • It's been a while since they were last online
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Amir Yousefi Valendar
Amir Yousefi Valendar Çankaya (Mardin)
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