Alexandra Stepanchikova

Alexandra Stepanchikova

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  • Istanbul
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I'm a dedicated foreign language teacher with a strong passion for fostering effective language acquisition and cultural understanding. My journey in language education began with my own love for languages. I am fluent in Russian, Belarussian, English, Turkish and Spanish, and I've always found joy in sharing my language expertise with others.

I earned my Bachelor's degree from Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus), where I developed a solid foundation in linguistics, and language acquisition theories.

Over the past 2,5 years, I've had the privilege of teaching Enhlish and Spanish to a diverse group of learners, ranging from elementary school students to adult. My approach to teaching emphasizes not only grammar and vocabulary but also cultural immersion, enabling students to gain a deeper appreciation for the cultures behind the languages they are learning.

In my current role of an English tutor at Maximum Education, I successfully deal with students of 5 - 46 y.o. In my current position of a Spanish teacher at JK language school, I successfully present information to adult students. I believe that language learning should be engaging, practical, and tailored to the individual needs of each student. This approach has allowed me to build strong relationships with my students, motivating them to excel in their language studies.

Outside of the classroom, I'm an avid language learner myself, and I constantly seek opportunities to improve my language skills and stay updated on the latest teaching techniques. I also actively participate in language teaching conferences and workshops to stay at the forefront of language education trends.

I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my passion for teaching languages and my dedication to fostering linguistic and cultural proficiency.
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Öğrenciler: Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri
  • Müsaitlik
    Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi Pazar

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Alexandra Stepanchikova Istanbul (İstanbul)
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