Abdanllah Zanfara Toure

Abdanllah Zanfara Toure

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  • Kocasinan (Kayseri)
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My name is Abdanllah,
With regards to teaching approaches that were most related to me, I strongly prefer drawing the attention of my students in class to other teaching approaches. I believe this approach to be more appealing because with this approach, my students can know and understand what they have taught in class. And they can use the information to produce the required answers in their assignments.
With regards to other approaches, I mostly choose to give my students assignments in class and guide them in doing it. I also like this approach because it helps me to know the points in my lectures where my students did not understand.
I chose to teach in a middle school, and I strongly believe my style of teaching is the best and will help shape the language of my students.
Due to this I will be interested in using the guided practice approach since I strongly believe it is going to gradually improve the English language learning of my students and give them the opportunity to practice more
Özel ders veriyorum:
  • Bebek veya anaokulu seviyesi, Primary, Ortaokul, Lise Diplomasi, Üniversite öğrencileri, Yetişkinler
  • Şirketler, serbest çalışanlar ve iş profesyonelleri
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    Kocasinan (Kayseri)
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Osman Yaya I am very happy to have you as my English tutor. Now I can confi...

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Abdanllah Zanfara Toure

Abdanllah Zanfara Toure
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