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I have been told that I am a “born teacher,”. Since the very first day I started to school and met my teacher, I have wanted to be
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First and foremost, I try to provide my students with a friendly, supportive learning environment so that I can help reduce their learning anxieties and therefore boost their learning progress. When my students are relaxed, they are much more able to focus on learning. In addition, I always have a contagious smile on my face. Hence, when they have no fear of embarrassment or negative criticism, they will be more willing to express their ideas and participate in class.
My philosophy of education is based on what I know and have experienced at this point in my career. I am sure that my teaching philosophy will change as I learn more as a young professional with the help of my teaching experiences, my students, colleagues. That’s one of the gifts of being human; we can make mistakes, or learn something new, and make a change for the better. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.
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