Profili paylaş

Sınıfları Ingilizce

içi Pendik (Istanbul)

Her yaştan öğrenciye ders veren İngilizce ve Almanca öğretmeni


7/saat İlk Ders Ücretsiz

I am eager to learn new information at any time and in every field. I have completed my Translation and Interpreting license and my teaching studies in many schools. It has been my biggest dream since my childhood to be a good and creative teacher. I feel confident in team work and exchanging ideas with my teammates. Additionally, I think that I can contribute different visions to my colleagues and my institution as a perspective on the problems of teaching and learning.
İletişime geç


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Kullanım Koşulları ve Gizlilik Politikasını okudum ve kabul ediyorum.

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