Profili paylaş

Sınıfları Ingilizce

içi Köycegiz Amasya (Amasya)

Online or in Köyceğiz (Mugla). I can teach kids who start to learn English as a 2nd language. Students who didn't study English before. Regarding adults I would like to teach women (not men, please)

Kimin için:

İlkokul, Ortaokul, Lise, Üniversite


Initasyon, Düsük, Orta


400/saat İlk Ders Ücretsiz

I trained to teach English at university, I plan to teach using successful methods.

The most important method is visualisation. I'll teach in English. Not Turkish. It is my belief that the language should be taught as it is, but gradually, of course.
Students should study at least 2-3 times a week. They will also be given homework.
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