Fulya Tyron
Profili paylaş
Fulya Tyron

Sınıfları Ingilizce

içi Beylikdüzü (Istanbul)

Her yaştan öğrenciye ders verebilirim. Özellikle lise, üniversite öğrencisi ve yetişkinler


400/saat İlk Ders Ücretsiz

For almost 20 years, I've been actively teaching English to students of all ages, one-to-one, to high school students in a school environment to private groups in corporate companies. I love teaching and I enjoy my job. The fact that I have lived in London for 2 years has been influential in my teaching not only the language but also the culture. Due to my talkative and entertaining nature, my lessons are very enjoyable and productive for my students.
İletişime geç
Fulya Tyron

Fulya Tyron

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