Profili paylaş

Sınıfları Ingilizce

içi Bagcilar (İstanbul) (Istanbul)

Hem genel hem de akademik sınavlar için İngilizce


400/saat İlk Ders Ücretsiz

I have a strong background in preparing the students for university entrance exams and high school entrance exams. In addition, I have excellent teamwork skill and distribute duties among the team members, work closely in the project and maximize the effort to achieve the best results of the event/project. I am also very familiar with using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Power Point).
Throughout my working experience, I have built leadership, strong teamwork, communication skills, organizational, respect diversity and multicultural environment and interpersonal abilities that are essential to succeed and perform professionally in my work. I am passionate about helping others and make a change in the world!
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